Drafted lying in bed on iPhone at 4:45 AM, November 16, 2022. I could not get back to sleep until it was out of my body. Finished 12 hrs later by candlelight sitting in bed.
I had an ah-ha moment which helped put my efforts into a multigenerational relationship with that of others. A constant consideration (really it is a fixation) for me is, what might bring greater ease to those younger than I.
Much of what we do in service of equity, justice and liberation is in opposition, conflicting and often hypocritical to the principles and practices that undergird. So I seek different ways - note the plural - and the absence of new because I believe there are old, truly traditional ways which if remembered, honored and brought forward we would be in a very different place than we are now as a species that lives with others on a planet that is part of a solar system in a universe.
My ah-ha was:
Equity, justice and liberation are what one seeks when self-determination is restrained and contained by codified assumptions, beliefs and information that limit and prescribe what is possible for some as determined by others.

Although desirable they exist within a paradigm. One not founded in joy, choice, abundance, respect, trust and care.
They reflect progress yes, but are not the final desired state.
So I do what I do and am what I am and aspire and practice to be, to contribute to something different.