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Writer's picture: jdcjdc

It’s mid-day, October 8, 2023 .There is a lovely chill in the air and a few drops of moisture from above. The birds are here, there and everywhere.


It is about 2 months from both my b-day and the start of wintering at jdcPARTNERSHIPS. The past two years, my body shut me down earlier. The first time, limited mobility. The second time,

limited sight. I do not desire a third message.

Close up photo of a single Lantana branch with green leaves and yellow, orange and pink blooms with an orange and brown butterly on the flower
Butterfly Gerstle Park, August 19, 2021

It seems this carbon based life form has been bearing the weight of moving through this world in ways not sufficiently tended to with care. Sure I eat well, drink less, write, meditate, walk, work out, hug trees, hold crystals, pull cards...etc. Yet, this being is weary.

This year I thought I would try something different. Release - both the verb and the noun.

By choosing to share some of my experiences and reflections my wish is that they will take less space within, so healing might deeply root and lightness might return.

What follows are a series of pieces written over time and from different stages in my life.

May they bring you some of the peace and ease I wish for myself and for us all.


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